
Advertising, Brand Impact And More In Larry Light’s Forbes Column

In Larry Light’s recent Forbes pieces, he takes on the marketing mindset that ignores the true brand impact of advertising as well as the laziness of today’s ad creation.

Marketers Ignore True Brand Impact At Their Peril

Marketers are confusing “clicks and listens” to buying. Marketers seek reliable data on how many people have viewed or heard particular advertising messages. The “view/hear mindset” is captivating for marketers. Clicks feed egos. [Read This Piece]

Lazy Advertising Thinking Is A Deadly Sin

Enterprises that own multiple brands have the opportunity to reach different customers with the same needs and the same customers with different needs over all the stages of their lives. Each of the brands in a brand portfolio has a relevant, differentiated promised experience that receives added trust and authority from the corporate parent. [Read This Piece]

See Larry’s Forbes Column here and follow him on Twitter here.