Entries by Jay York

Larry Light’s Forbes.com Column Roundup

Larry Light’s latest pieces in Forbes have collectively been read by over 54,780 readers. They cover an array of marketing topics including the impacts of Covid-19, Ease of Choice, and more. See his latest headlines below. Macy’s And The 100th Anniversary Of The 19th Amendment At this 100-year anniversary for women’s right to vote, we […]

The Latest From Larry Light In Forbes CMO Network

Read the latest from Larry Light’s column on the Forbes CMO Network: Five Phases For Effective Brand Design Brand experiences are not positioned, they are designed. A Brand Design Process has 5 phases, all linked around customer insight and communicated through effective marketing. Think of this process as the circle of brand life. The 8 […]

Larry Light In Forbes.com: The Advertising Industry Must Act Now To Help Combat The Coronavirus

From the article: During this very challenging time, where is the coordinated leadership from the advertising industry? The advertising experts know how to effectively capture our attention, and communicate a convincing message? Jonathan Bernstein of Bloomberg Opinion points out that although there have been “… some quality PSAs already” we could use a “… more systematic effort….” […]

Brand Journalism and Trust in the 20’s

Larry Light has released two new pieces on Brand Journalism and Trust that sets the tone for how marketers should be thinking in the new year. Check out each of his posts now: Brand Journalism Is Alive And Well ‘Trust Me’ Advertising Does Not Build Trust. Create A Trust Agenda.